lunedì 5 novembre 2007

hi there! Yesterday, Sunday, I've spent lot of my day cleaning up my house: refresh curtains, cushions, slipcovers...sofas. so I've had no more time for doing something for me.. but I've planned to cover a notebook with a fabric that is just arrived from Great Britain a couple of days ago!!! I cant wait more time..... I'll show you as soon as possible!
The Sheffild teapot was a present from my cousin when I get married: I think I've to clean it rigth now... sure!

2 commenti:

ChatrinesLiving ha detto...

Thank`s for visiting my blog:)
What a nice house you have! An a loveley cat:)
Wish you a nice evening!

sabrina ha detto...

Thanks, my new nordic friend! These are my first days in the BLog community...I'm very happy to share ideas, crafts, photos with people all over the World. .... Sew you soon!! Sabrina